Roger Simon: Riot at Tennessee Capitol More Evidence of the Decline in the American IQ

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Roger Simon in studio to discuss the decline of the American IQ and the education system.

Leahy: In studio, a very good friend, former boss at PJTV. Also an Academy Award-nominated screenwriter, mystery writer, novelist, and author of a couple of really great books coming out.

American Refugee and The Making of the President 2024. Roger Simon. Also, I forgot to mention, depending on the day, the most popular columnist at The Epoch Times. Roger, welcome.

Simon: It’s Thursday, and for other people it’s Belgium. For me, it’s the studio.

Leahy: It’s The Tennessee Star Report. Roger, thank you for making it through the rainstorms to come in. I know there’s some concern about that, but thank you for coming in on this rainy day.

You wanted to add a little bit to our discussion in the six o’clock hour about the pending vote to expel the three left-wing lunatic Democrat members of the Tennessee House of Representatives.

Simon: Driving in here I was listening to you and Aaron and enjoying your discussion and agreeing with everything you were saying about these three goons in the Assembly. Something just jumped into my brain at the same time because I’ve been reading recently about the decline in the American IQ.

This is really tragic and also a little bit dangerous if you take the competition with China seriously, which you might. And this is related to what the educational system has done, and this is also an example of using these children in this debate.

It’s a form of child abuse actually. But the upshot of it is that we haven’t been educating our kids. We’ve been brain-damaging them. And that’s a national problem, of course, not exclusive to Tennessee. But this is just an example, and it’s a horrifying one.

It’s really scary. Normally I’m a First Amendment absolutist, and I try to be open to discussions of any sort in any place up to a point, but when you are damaging children, I think it’s off the charts. What happened here a week ago is way off the charts and on.

The other thing about this I’d like to add is that I think this is a cover-up job for the fact that it was a transgendered woman doing this thing. They don’t want that out there because it’s a fad for the Left that they use. It’s a despicable one. But that’s what they do, and we better watch out.

Leahy: I think you’re exactly right in both of those points, Roger, because what is the tragedy here? What is the terrible crime that happened? It was a 28-year-old woman who identified as a transgender male.

We don’t know how much of that process had gone through, but clearly identified as a transgender male and committed a horrible crime, murdering six innocent Nashvillians. That’s the whole story right there.

Simon: Yes. And that’s what’s being obfuscated by these three jerks and taking advantage of young people who are certainly miseducated, to say the least. One other point that I’d like to make quickly because this is Passover, and last night, I was at a terrific Seder at Chabad of Nashville.

I couldn’t have more to say about how great and lucky we are to have Rabbi Tiechtel here. He is first-rate in every way. But he was talking about something I had also read that might be interesting to all listeners whether Gentile or Jewish. And that is that only 20 percent of the Jews left Egypt to escape slavery. The other 80 percent had been so acclimated to slavery that they decided to remain.

Leahy: I didn’t know that.

Simon: I didn’t know that until recently. And I’ve been to, how many Seders? I can’t count; I wouldn’t wanna admit it. However, it’s a fascinating point about human behavior, isn’t it?

Leahy: Yes. Very fascinating. When I was a kid, just out of college, my friend Sammy Dubbon invited me to a seder and it was very interesting to participate in that way back when.

Simon: There are all kinds, needless to say. But I’m very comfortable with the one that we have here.

Listen to today’s show highlights, including this interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Tennessee Capitol Protesters” by Moms Demand Action – TN.










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